A dear friend of mine, also a lovely UK blogger, Anna sent me one of her blog posts that she has recently published on "Finally my own vision board". It is such an inspirational read so I thought I would share it with the followers from my Blog. Women supporting women is definitely the way to go!!! I hope you enjoy this post, you can find Anna's blog and her other posts by clicking here :
“The reality is that whatever you’re looking for is, looking for you.”
When it comes to the Law of Attraction, one of the most powerful methods/techniques that you can do to manifest your desires is to VISUALIZE. The quote, “If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand,” by Bob Procter is the best way visualisation can be explained. These few words say everything about visualisation. Visualisation can be done through meditation, through vision boards (which is what I’m talking about today), scripting, writing down your desires in present tense and so many more methods of doing visualisation – it really is endless. And visualising on a daily basis, whether that be morning, evening or in between, you will manifest your dreams beyond your belief. But, in order for them to manifest, you have to BELIEVE and you have to do this regularly to get the results you want. That is the key word when it comes to the Law of Attraction.
Have you ever thought about a person you haven’t spoken to in a while and the next thing they’re calling you? That’s visualisation! 😉 You visualised them. You manifest everything in your life, whether positive or negative. LOA does not stop!
So onto vision boards…
A few weekends ago I finally made the effort of creating my own vision board. It’s been on my to do list for quite a while but I just never had the time or the materials actually to make one.
About 6 months ago, I attempted to make one using an app on my phone and while you can get your downloads from the internet etc, it really isn’t the same. I didn’t feel in sync with it and it didn’t sit right with me. I actually found it a lot more frustrating to do it on my phone using an app than by hand. There’s a lot of positioning involved and your energy then turns into frustration because you can’t seem to position all the images properly; so, you either give up or it’s not what you wanted because of phones and apps are not very flexible for these sort of things.
Doing it by hand though felt really rewarding, all of my good positive energy was being projected from myself onto the vision board; all my hopes and dreams being laid out in front of me put a huge smile on my face. I felt like a kid in Art class again. All I needed was two magazines – my intention was set, I was determined and I had opened myself up to taking notice of empowering words. It was not a struggle searching for these words. It felt like active meditation for me. I was in a good place, I felt relaxed, happy and hopeful and I could actually feel my vibrational frequency rising. 🔥
“The universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess and don’t doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within you is there, ACT. That’s your job.”
The words in the magazines that sprung out at me were so in sync with what I’m manifesting and what I want my life to be – that for me was proof enough that I’m definitely on the right track and, this was the right thing for me to do. It was like the universe was speaking to me. Even words such as ‘manifesto’ screamed out at me, I just cut off the ‘O’ and hey presto! MANIFEST 😉.
“Try seeing heart energy as a ray of light, as a stream or as a spiraling silver line coming from your heart and travelling out to the person you want to attract. You may not see the heart energy touch the other person, but it does.”
I decided on a large vision board as there are many things I want to achieve this year and in my life as a whole and so this is now complete and taped up on the wall in my flat. It’s great to see it everyday so that when I’m day dreaming, I can day dream all over my vision board 😂
My vision board includes 5 main areas that I want to achieve in life:
Love, Romance, Settling Down, Marriage
To be in be best health I could ever be in and more.
Holidays, relaxations and self care
New financial opportunities (abundance, security)
Home (new home, quiet, safe, comfort and happiness)
“When you have clarity and commit to your heart’s desire, you will be drawn to those that light you up on every level… …and they will be drawn to you.” ANNETTE VAILLANCOURT
I also have added in extra words cut out from the magazines that surround my whole manifestations which help support my goals and aspirations. I found quotes in the magazines such as, “I blocked out all negative comments & focused on the positive ones,” “Be brave,” “The drives of your life,” “MANIFEST” – this was the big one for me. I got creative and put words together such as “HAPPY” and “MARRIAGE,” “PERFECT HOME,” etc etc. I really enjoyed doing this and some days, I’ll look at it and then write more quotes on it that support my dreams.What do you think of vision boards? Yey or ney?! Tried it? Want to try it?
“You have to focus on yourself, feel as good as you can, and make your relationship with yourself a priority. When you do that, everything else will fall into place.”
Check out my vision board below. What do you think? I love it. It makes me smile and the more I see it, the more I believe, the more I trust and then I say “IT’S MINE, THANK YOU.” Having a vision board helps me manifest what I want in life and keeps me my thoughts in alignment so that my desires, goals, aspirations, dreams, and hopes become my reality. ❤️
“When you have clarity and commit to your heart’s desire, you will be drawn to those that light you up on every level …and they will be drawn to you.”
I also have added in extra words cut out from the magazines that surround my whole manifestations which help support my goals and aspirations. I found quotes in the magazines such as, “I blocked out all negative comments & focused on the positive ones,” “Be brave,” “The drives of your life,” “MANIFEST” – this was the big one for me. I got creative and put words together such as “HAPPY” and “MARRIAGE,” “PERFECT HOME,” etc etc. I really enjoyed doing this and some days, I’ll look at it and then write more quotes on it that support my dreams. What do you think of vision boards? Yey or ney?! Tried it?
Want to try it?
“You have to focus on yourself, feel as good as you can, and make your relationship with yourself a priority. When you do that, everything else will fall into place.”
Check out my vision board below. What do you think? I love it. It makes me smile and the more I see it, the more I believe, the more I trust and then I say “IT’S MINE, THANK YOU.” Having a vision board helps me manifest what I want in life and keeps me my thoughts in alignment so that my desires, goals, aspirations, dreams, and hopes become my reality. ❤️
“Energy flows where attention goes”
Tony Robbins
I decided on a large vision board as there are many things I want to achieve this year and in my life as a whole and so this is now complete and taped up on the wall in my flat. It’s great to see it everyday so that when I’m day dreaming, I can day dream all over my vision board 😂